You are here: What are secured item types

There are four types of secured items, as outlined in the table below.

Item type Description
Control Typically a button (such as the Delete button on the Add/Change Customer window) or tab (such as the Billing tab on the Add/Change Customer window) on one of the windows in AIMsi. If a securable item of this type is set to access level None, the control item (button or tab) will not display in AIMsi for that employee, or group of employees.
Menu bar

A menu option (such as SA Maintenance on the Modules > Inventory > Add/Change Inventory menu). If a securable item of this type is set to access level None, the menu option will not display in AIMsi for that employee, or group of employees.

The Employee Securable Items report lists the exact location of the menu item.

Process A function performed in AIMsi (such as allowing an item to be sold for an amount lower than the minimum selling price). If a securable item of this type is set to access level None, that function cannot be performed by that employee or group of employees.

A report (such as the Income Statement) found on one of the tabs in the Report Catalog. If a securable item of this type is set to access level None, the report will not display in the Report Catalog for that employee or group of employees.

The Employee Securable Items report lists the exact tab in the Report Catalog where the report can be found.